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HiFill PA4/6 GF45 HS BK


HiFill PA4/6 GF45 HS BK


HiFill PA4/6 GF45 HS BK

HiFill PA4/6 GF45 HS BK

品牌:美國TP Composites, Inc. 單價:電議 付款方式:現(xiàn)金/支票 交貨期:1天
手機:13798885550 周小姐 13798896965 羅先生 傳真:0769-27205501


HiFill® PA4/6 GF45 HS BK 玻璃纖維增強材料45% 尼龍46
TP Composites, Inc.The HIFILL® product line is comprised of thermoplastic resins that have been modified with mineral fillers, metal powders, reinforcing fibers, and other additives. The compounding process at TP Composites has been modified to enable the production of highly filled plastic compounds that contain upwards of 92% by weight additives.

HIFILL® compounds are available in custom colors, laser weldable, laser markable, metal detectable, x-ray detectable, and with specific gravities close to 11.0.

Long fiber compounds (LFRT) are also available from TP Composites in several engineering plastics, with glass fiber, carbon fiber, stainless steel and aramid fiber.


HiFill PA4/6 GF45 HS BK來源于金宸塑膠http://5a5l.com ,轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)請注明出處“http://5a5l.comhttp://5a5l.com/page-47-7387.html”

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